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Member Spotlight

The CSNS functions through a number of standing and ad-hoc committees. Dr. Alan Scarrow heads the Medico-Legal Committee of the CSNS. He is considered a good choice as a leader of this committee because, besides practicing neurosurgery as a full-time profession, he also holds a law degree. Dr. Mick Perez-Cruet, Chair of the CSNS Editorial/Publication Committee recently interviewed Dr. Scarrow regarding his Committee’s work on a number of medico-legal issues. Learn more about this committee and how you can become an active member.

Highlighting the Medico-Legal Committee: Q&A with Alan Scarrow, MD, JD (March 2008)
Alan Scarrow new

Alan Scarrow, M.D., J.D.

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Mick Perez-Cruet, M.D.